Association Between Worsening Emergency-Care Targets and Deprivation in England

Discover how socioeconomic deprivation impacts emergency care performance in England, contributing to missed 4-hour targets and widening health disparities

This study investigates the impact of socioeconomic deprivation on the performance of emergency care in England, specifically regarding the 4-hour target for patient treatment. Over the past decade, there has been a decline in achieving this target, particularly in more deprived areas, contributing to a widening health gap. Utilizing multiple linear regression models, the researchers analyzed data from 2016 to 2021 and found that hospitals serving deprived populations had poorer performance outcomes. Increased A&E attendance in these regions since 2016 further exacerbated this decline. The findings suggest that different patterns of healthcare-seeking behavior based on community needs may influence these disparities, highlighting the need for tailored approaches to address the specific requirements of vulnerable populations.

Association Between Worsening Emergency-Care Targets and Deprivation in England…

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