
The Critical Ultrasound Journal (CUJ), an offspring of WINFOCUS, has become a significant achievement and a critical component of WINFOCUS’s overall vision and mission. As the journal approaches the end of its second year, it reflects on its progress, achievements, and future challenges. The recent editorial board meeting at the sixth WINFOCUS World Congress highlighted the journal’s success but emphasized the need to attract more high-quality submissions.

The CUJ faces a crucial challenge in pursuing a listing on the PubMed index, a widely used and popular resource among researchers and clinicians globally. While the path to indexing is challenging, it is essential for increasing the journal’s visibility and reaching a broader audience. Being indexed on PubMed is seen as a vital step to ensure the journal’s credibility and competitiveness in the electronic age.

The editorial emphasizes the importance of visibility for researchers, as publishing alone may not be sufficient without easy access to the published content. The discussion revolves around the practicality of listing on PubMed and explores options, including the standard application approach or becoming an open-access journal. The goal is to reward authors and readers with increased visibility and accessibility, ultimately contributing to the journal’s success.

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